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What is retargeting?

Retargeting can occur when someone visits your website. We place a retargeting pixel on certain sections of your site or across your entire site. As visitors to your site visit the pages you have the pixel on they are added to what is called an “audience.” We drop a cookie on this audience member. As they visit other sites on the web they are shown your ads. The larger this qualified group of past visitors, the more effective your retargeting is.

If a person in your audience converts then a “burn pixel” will initiate, which takes them out of the audience. You can also choose to add different pixels if you wish to show converting visitors different ads. You can get quite complex regarding the sequence of pixels you cookie these visitors with.

You can also control the sites that show your ads, just like on typical display network buys. You can decide that a site isn’t cutting it, and cut them from the list. You have quite a bit of control around who sees your ad and who doesn’t.

Whether you decide to start out with a smaller audience (maybe you decide to JUST cookie those users that made it a cart page but didn’t complete a purchase) or whether you decide to put every possible visitor to your site into the audience, this tracking method is incredibly effective.

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How is Retargeting different than pay per click?

With retargeting you only target users that have already visited your site and have an impression of your brand. With retargeting you are guaranteeing that you only spend ad dollars on people who have previously visited your site.

You engage with a person who you know has had some interest in your industry, product or company. Retargeting techniques are proven to be more cost effective than chasing users in the first stages of the buying funnel.

With pay per click you reach a broader audience however are tasked with introducing yourself, establishing trust, branding effectively and converting. Retargeting has less reach with higher engagement and conversion performance. Used together they allow for greater success.

If you are interested in creating a professional, efficient and effective Retargeting campaign, request a call back with our team.