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PayPerClick Management

Our PayPerClick trick is researching and focusing on the right choice of words and key phrases that will gain relevant visitors. Saving time and money is why our clients allow us to manage their PayPerClick ads. Good advertisement text and budget management are essential to get links to display as long as possible and bring in the maximum return on your investment.

That’s why you should leave ‘PayPerClick Management’ to professionals.

Our advanced software tools allow us to prepare the best Google Ads, Bing Ads, Google Business profiles, Google Maps profiles and even Social Media campaigns to get your content displayed at the top of Google search. Contact Us Today

What’s included in our Pay Per Click Management?

Our PayPerClick Management includes:

  • Discovering how your competitor's ads are performing and what keywords they are targetting
  • Researching the best keywords for effective online ads uniquely showcasing your Businesses point of difference
  • Finding the best targeted location for your business (local, national & worldwide)
  • Setting up a proper bid price per relevant keyword which fits within your budget
  • Reporting tool for measuring your site's traffic, lead conversions and tracking competitors

How to Create a Profitable Google Ads Campaign From Scratch.

PayPerClick Management

Launching a new profitable Google Ads campaign is an exhilarating process. Excitement, anxiety, fear, and hope are emotions that come to mind when I’m about to click the Enable button on a new campaign.

If you’re just starting your journey, then fear may be dominating your thoughts, so with this checklist, my goal is to put you at ease. The steps I’m about to go release will ensure you’re depositing more money into your own bank account, rather than just funding Google’s empire.

I’ll never forget my very first Google Ads campaign back in 2007. I was running my own business and watching the fragmentation of advertising away from the traditional mediums of TV, radio, etc. into digital. Wanting to capture this increasing audience I set up an account myself but didn’t have the knowledge of how to manage it. Teaching myself to spend my own money online, my task seemed simple enough. To create a profitable campaign!

Over the next 10 years, I went on to manage and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in Google Ads advertising. And two days, in particular, are forever etched in my memory. I refer to both as my “$10,000 days.”

The first $10,000 day was glorious. It was the most money the company made in a single day from an ad campaign I personally set up and optimised all by myself. Yup, I felt like quite the man that day. The second $10,000 day was inglorious. It was the most money the company lost in a single day and all fingers rightfully were pointed at me and the Google Ads campaign I personally screwed up.

The reason I bring up that embarrassing example is that you need to be aware of the power of Google Ads. When set up and managed properly, Google Ads is one of the best sources for new customers. Done incorrectly and you may waste a lot of money and time.

One of the most important things I learned on my journey is that every successful advertiser sets up and manages Google Ads campaigns with a checklist. Think of it like baking a cake from a recipe. You need a list of the key ingredients and a step-by-step process for how you’ll carefully mix those ingredients to create a delicious cake. I’m sure you know what happens if you try to wing it while baking. Well, the same is true with Google Ads.

So let’s get down to it. Tie on your Google Ads apron and download the key ingredients. Follow the checklist through the process to create a profitable Google Ads campaign from scratch. Don’t forget to use Google Keyword Planner to understand the shifts in consumer behaviors, needs, and beliefs that will help you unlock fresh insights to drive your business.

Of course, if you need help, contact us for advice.

Written By Nicholas Ricciuti – Head of Solutions – Digital Attraction

If you are interested in creating a professional, efficient and effective Google Ads campaign, request a call back with our team.

To view our PayPerClick advertising packages Click Here