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What is Remarketing?

A Remarketing study recently conducted at Digital Attraction shows significantly lower engagement rate for communication that occurs more than one hour after a visitor has left your site. From our experience your chances of re-engaging a lead drops by as much as ten times, if you follow up more than an hour after your first interaction with a potential customer:

If you’re sending something like a cart abandonment email campaign, the timing of the interaction the customer had with you is critical. We refer to a customer who is expressing a high level of buying intent. In other words they are a visitor who has made it to the very bottom of your marketing funnel.

You could certainly retarget the customer with a display ad, but there is no guarantee that the customer will see or be influenced by it within the first hour window where you have the best chance to convert them. A better method is to try and reach the customer through their inbox.

We can create:

  • Shopping cart abandonment email campaigns
  • Up sell email campaigns
  • Cross sell email campaigns and
  • Lifecycle marketing emails.


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What is Remarketing intended for?

The Remarketing email is intended for visitors when your organisations website has done everything possible to convert those who express interest in buying or adding something to a cart. It’s sent to people who are believed to have a keen interested in buying.

With Remarketing your organisation can engage heavily to find out why they didn’t buy and then provide an alternative solution.

Basically you create a service based communication stream that focuses on ‘What can we do to get you to make a purchase?'

Visitors to your site may click and browse so remarketing helps organisations to periodically remind them that you exist. For example when a person is in the market to buy a car (from advertising studies conducted) it is a known fact that a person who wished to purchase a car may consider that purchase (make, model, size, colour, price) for between 3 and 9 months.

However when they finally decide to make the purchase (due to an emotional trigger like their current car broke down) it re-prioritises their purchase strategy.

Usually we know that once they have committed to buy the car, they will do so within 72 hours. So being at top of mind with this prospect is essential to ultimately convincing them that they could purchase their vehicle from your establishment.

Remarketing can also play its part in reprioritising the purchase timing with lifecycle marketing emails. When that person finally decides they’re ready to buy your product, remarketing will re-trigger their initial need as it has kept your organisation top of mind.

If you are interested in creating a professional, efficient and effective Remarketing campaign, request a call back with our team.