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 Digital Attraction |  Monday January 20, 2020

Marketing success over the past few years has changed a lot. From the introduction of smarter smartphones and virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri to the introduction of social media advanced integration…

Marketing isn’t what it once was and you can expect it to get even more complicated in the years to come.

So how do you succeed in this fast-changing landscape?

Well, no matter what changes in the upcoming years, as long as you follow this one marketing rule, you’ll do just fine.

But the moment you break it, you’ll find that your traffic and sales will start to dwindle.

The rule is a ‘Frequency of Seven’.

In the past, we got away with using only one of the most formidable companies that have grown into mega giants like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, eBay, Amazon etc for our marketing outcomes. As of the end of 2016, there were 1,045,534,808 websites active worldwide. 2 years later on November 2018, there were 1,929,806,602 websites active.

Competition online has escalated with insurmountable speed. The Rule ‘Frequency of Seven‘ refers to the number of times of which your offer is seen or heard. Businesses now have to gain at least seven interactions with a prospect before they are likely to convert. These interactions most likely will need to be over several different online advertising platforms and not just on one platform like you used to.

Apply this equation for your marketing success.

(Reach x Frequency) + Offer = Result

Let’s break down how you can leverage the rule ‘Frequency of Seven‘.

Tip 1: Be on the social web.

Your organisation must take time to interact with your audience. Not just posting comments but allowing them to engage with questions and comments. Responding to these comments live or promptly is essential to credibility and authentification.

Tip 2: Leverage your SEO

To do better, you need to leverage your SEO or search engine optimisation. This is where your organisation ranks organically on search engines for keywords searches relevant to your products and services. This is the foundation of all digital marketing success which longterm will set your organisation up as the main player in its field. Given that over 92.86% of searches are made on Google and around 2.41% on Bing, its best to concentrate your efforts on these two platforms.

Tip 3: Be present on paid ad platforms

According to Google, 64 million searches are made each second as of July 2019. For immediate results on keyword searches, you currently are not ranking for, on page one of Google take out a google ad campaign in proportion to your budget. Something is better than nothing. For example, one of our clients spends only $200 a month in a specific key geographic region and in return achieves a 900% return on their investment. Other clients are spending tens of thousands to brand and secure their products and services as the no 1 in its market.

Other paid ad platforms to consider might be Facebook, Youtube, Taboola, Outbrain, banner ads, traditional media buys, etc.

Tip 4: Update your content

You probably already know that content marketing is effective. Your writing and posting content most likely, but what most people are not aware of is that unless you continually update your content it will bring your traffic down. What most people are doing is writing and then not writing content without updating their content. If your doing this your rankings will just continue to go down and down.

Why? Because there are over 1 billion blogs on the internet and google is always looking for the freshest content. So if you don’t continue to refresh and update your content you won’t rank and people won’t be seeing you.

Tip 5: Keep sharing your content

You know your social sites with your content and assume once you have released it that most people have seen it. However, the truth is that most people have not. Facts are that 10 or 20% of your audience may have seen it. So it is important to keep sharing your posts and social media content maybe 3, 4or even 5 times a year. This way you will reach a broader audience and extract as much juice out of that content as possible. It also gives you the ability to update the content which pertains to Tip 4.

As an added tip use platforms like Hello bar and Subscribers to keep people coming back. Using push notifications and email marketing you can keep the return visitor stats on your website up and have a higher chance of conversion through engagement frequency of seven times. Seven times engaging, landing, commenting on your site will increase your chance of buying your product or service.

Hope this article helps with your marketing success.