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 Digital Attraction |  Wednesday February 20, 2019

Some people think that it is enough to submit a website to as many search engines as possible to get high rankings. Unfortunately, that is not the case. If you do not optimise your web pages, then you won’t get high search engine rankings.

A. Not all websites can have high rankings

There are billions of web pages on the Internet. It’s obvious that not all of them can be listed in the top 10 results on search engines.

Search engines only list web pages that they find relevant to a special keyword. You must make sure that your website is such a site.

If search engines cannot find out that your website is about, they cannot give your website high rankings for that keyword. The process of changing your web pages so that search engines find them relevant is called search engine optimisation (SEO).

B. Your website must appear on the first result page

75% of searchers never look further than page one. It’s a fact that most search engines display ten results on the first page, and very few searchers click the links to look at the second page.

Users of search engines almost never look beyond the second page of search results. Being listed 11 or beyond means that many people may miss your website entirely.

For that reason, search engine optimisation is crucial if you want to be successful with your business. Digital Attraction makes search engine optimisation easy.

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